Health/Cooking Diet Master 1.0.1 Analyze your daily intake of fat, protein, carbohydrates and more. This program contains a database of more than 5,000 food items. Choose items from the food list that you eat and compute a daily report. Your total intake of many important nutrients is shown along with a pie chart. Use it to plan your diet or analyze foods you have already eaten. Education-> Volume 226/June '96 Latest & Greatest-> Volume 226/June '96 Fruits & Nuts 3.0 This HyperCard stack is an agriculturist's dream. It contains information about all kinds of fruits and nuts, including apples, chestnuts and kiwi. Search the database by criteria, like shape, life span and uses. Plants that match your search criteria are highlighted and are listed on an easy-to-access pop-up menu. Education-> Volume 222/February '96 Recipe Finder Deluxe 3.0.1 Save your family recipes with this management and collection program. Type in the recipe names, categories, servings, ingredients and preparation instructions. It already comes with more than 30 recipes, including sangria, chocolate mocha mousse and banana with peanut caramel cream. * Recipe index * Categorize recipes by ingredients * Search function * Choose between standard or metric measurements (Application by Peter Stubbs) Holiday '96 The Calorizer 1.5.2 Keep track of your daily intake of fat, carbohydrates, protein, alcohol and total daily calories. Great for high school or college athletes - or anyone studying health and fitness. Search the database of more than 5,000 food items. Review fat grams, fat calories, carbohydrate grams and more. You can also add foods to the database. Education-> Volume 223/March '96 Latest & Greatest-> Volume 223/March '96